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Target impression is a smart bidding strategy that helps businesses of all sizes drive huge visibility (impression) to their firm through their ad. Ads with this metric can show at the absolute top, top, and other areas on Google’s search engine result page (SERP) based on your choice and budget.

Let’s say you set your ad to appear at the absolute top on an impression share of 80%. Google will optimize your ad to appear 80% of the times people search your keywords.
Impression share allows you to set a max cost per click value (CPC). This prevents google ads from bidding on keywords that cost higher when driving impressions.
Businesses looking to boost brand awareness and list building (leads) can benefit from this strategy.
How to use target impression
1. On your new campaign page, select leads
2. Select Search Network
3. Scroll down to bidding
4. Click on change bid strategy
5. Click on select a bid strategy directly
6. In the drop-down menu, select target impression share.

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Things to be mindful of when using target impression share
The performance of the percentage system is determined by other advertisers’ ads and ad groups. So even if you set your percentage to be %100, you will likely not get that unless you spend much money on the ad.
Ad position
The position of your ad can affect the views and clicks. Depending on your ad goal, you should have your ad at the top or absolute top sections of the SERP.
CPC limit
You can start small on your CPC limit, but ensure it is something reasonable. Your cost per click limit directly affects how often and sometimes where (if you choose anywhere) your ads show to meet your percentage goal.
Test your CPC limit as you go and increase by 30-50% if needed.
Monitor performance
Impression share is focused on your ad visibility on the search result page, not the number of clicks or conversion. So, when using this strategy, you should monitor the ad’s performance weekly or monthly to see if it’s worth continuing, adjusting, or halting.

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Frequently asked questions
Target Impression Share maximizes ad visibility, making it ideal for brand awareness and in return, boosting sales. To learn more about this strategy, click here.
Manual cost per click (CPC) is a fully manual ad campaign strategy, where you have complete control over your ad performance. This also means that you have to pay close attention to your chosen keywords. Click here to learn more.
Maximize Conversion automatically adjusts bids based on lead performance, ensuring optimal results for your budget. To delve deeper into this strategy, click here for more insights.
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